What’s in an ICC-ES Evaluation Report

What’s in an ICC-ES Evaluation Report

Evaluation reports from ICC Evaluation Service® are the most preferred resource used by code officials to verify that new and innovative building products comply with code requirements. The evaluation reports provide information about what code requirements or acceptance criteria were used to evaluate the product, how the product should be installed to meet the requirements, how to identify the product, and much more. ES Reports are divided into eleven major areas.

  1. CSI Division Number—ICC-ES Evaluation Reports, and the building products represented in them, are organized according to the Construction Specifications Institute’s (CSI) Masterformat system.
  2. Report Holder—The name and address of the company or organization that has applied for the Evaluation Report.
  3. Evaluation Subject—The specific product(s) covered by the report.
  4. Evaluation Scope—The code(s) that were used to evaluate the product.
  5. Properties Evaluated—A brief description of the properties the product was evaluated against such as fire resistance and wind resistance. This section also shows if the product can be used for structural purposes.
  6. Uses—Identifies the scope of the Evaluation Report and relates the product evaluated to code provisions.
  7. Description—Provides a general description of the product and its features, such as length, thickness, etc.
  8. Installation—Identifies general and often specific requirements to help the inspector ensure the product is installed properly according to the code requirements or acceptance criteria.
  9. Conditions of Use—Statement that the product, as described in the Evaluation Report, complies with or is a suitable alternative to the requirements of the applicable code and a list of conditions under which the report is issued.
  10. Evidence Submitted—Data (i.e. test reports, calculations, installation instructions) that was used in evaluating the product.
  11. Identification—Information that can be used to identify the product, including the manufacturer’s name, product code, Evaluation Report number, etc.
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